What Happens During Codeine Rehab?

Codeine is an opiate drug, which is typically prescribed as a short-acting painkiller. Opiates like codeine, morphine, and oxycodone are made from opium poppy plants, and they are the most commonly prescribed pain relief medications.

Opiates have been used for centuries to treat pain. In other cases, codeine is used to treat diarrhea or coughing. While they have their medical uses, codeine and other opiates have also become widely abused drugs.

When you use codeine recreationally, it produces a euphoric high. Soon enough, you may become dependent on codeine’s euphoric effects. Then, you may start using codeine to suppress emotional pain, relieve stress, or self-medicate for a mental health condition. The more you use codeine, the more likely you are to develop an addiction to the drug.

Codeine addiction presents a serious health problem, and it even affects every part of your life. For instance, you may not be able to function properly in school or at work. You may also find yourself scrambling for codeine more often.

As you spend more time taking the drug, your interpersonal relationships will suffer. Soon, you may isolate yourself from your usual social circle. Alternatively, you may find yourself more often in the company of new friends, who themselves are drug dependents.

At some point in time, you will want to be more aware of Codeine’s effects, and you will want to quit using the drug. But then, withdrawal symptoms can overpower you, leading you to quickly go back to using the drug.

Addiction to this drug warrants rehab. It’s a long process, but in the end, your efforts will be worth it. Read on to find out what you can expect from codeine rehab.

What will codeine rehab do to me?

Codeine RehabIn the rehab center, you will go through a personalized care plan that addresses your specific needs. If you decide to enroll in an inpatient program, which is highly recommended, the staff of the rehab center will take care of all your needs during the entire course of your program. Meals, accommodation, as well as recreation will be provided. Each day, you will be able to focus on your recovery.

Recovery professionals will help you through your treatment plan from start to finish. First of all, they will thoroughly evaluate your medical and psychological history. With this information, they can create the best treatment plan that caters to your needs.

While you are inside the rehab center, you will get familiar with a new daily routine. You will eat meals at the right times as well as have enough sleep each night. During the day, you will participate in different activities geared towards your recovery. You will go through various behavioral therapies that will help you overcome the effects of opioid addiction.

After one to three months, you can go back to a life without the influence of drugs. The things you have learned in your therapies will help you get back on track.

What therapies will I go through in codeine rehab?

A combination of medically-assisted detox, medications, and behavioral therapies are the best methods to combat an addiction.


After recovery professionals have assessed your physical and mental health status, you will go through the first phase of treatment, which is detox. The aim of this procedure is to eliminate all traces of codeine from your body. At the end of detox, you should be able to tolerate a zero dose of the drug.


Medications may be prescribed to you during detox if you encounter any complications or severe withdrawal symptoms. To further minimize the effects of withdrawal, your dose will be carefully tapered. In other words, you will take ever smaller doses of codeine. The gradual process gives your body time to adjust; thus, withdrawal will be milder.

Behavioral therapies

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Codeine RehabThis therapy aims to correct inaccurate thought patterns you have about your addiction. Ultimately, replacing these thoughts with more positive, constructive ones is the goal of CBT. As a result, you will see the world more realistically. You can then adjust your behavior according to your new, healthy thought patterns.

Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

REBT is a comprehensive treatment that helps you resolve behavioral and emotional issues. Once you have dealt with these problems, you can then lead a better, happier life.

Family therapy

Your loved ones may also help you in your journey to recovery. Family therapists will help each member of your family understand how addiction has impacted you. Also, family therapists will coach your family members in the best ways to help you recover from your addiction.

Group therapies

CBT and REBT are often individual therapies, with only you and the therapist talking. But you will also benefit from group therapies, where you share the room with your fellow recovering patients. Groups can be small or large, but small groups have unique benefits.

In small groups, you can share your struggles with people who have similar problems, and interaction can be maximized because there are only a few people in the group. This way, you can learn from each other’s experiences and grow stronger. In these group sessions, you’ll be talking about addiction, drug triggers, and relapse prevention, among others.

Other therapies that are helpful in codeine rehab include the following:

  • Codeine RehabNarcotics Anonymous (NA)
  • Recreational therapy
  • Spiritual therapy
  • Nutritional and wellness counseling
  • Art therapy
  • Yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and other alternative treatments

What happens after rehab is over?

To maximize your recovery outcomes, it’s best to continue healing after your treatment program is done. This is called aftercare, and it is effective in improving your quality of life after rehab.

Some rehab centers offer extended stays to patients who choose to continue their therapies. Other times, you may opt to stay in a sober living home. There, you can slowly get used to your new, drug-free life before going back to the outside world.